Could you be our next Secretary?
We need help with minutes, reports, applications and good ideas. Contact Nic Jefferis using details below to find out more.
The Village Hall is a registered charity and is administered by the Trustees, also known as the Management Committee. The Management Committee comprises up to 8 elected members and 10 group representative members. Any ‘not for profit’ groups that hire the Hall on a regular basis are entitled to a place on the Management Committee.
We believe in the principles of Open Accessibility, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Human Rights. We want everyone to feel welcome, safe and comfortable in our Village Hall and enjoy the time that they spend there.
Please let us know if you feel there is anything more we could do to make your time with us more pleasant.
The elected officers are:-
Position Officer Tel Email
Chair: Nic Jefferis 07810 055996
Vice Chair: Nathan Hole 07816 961452
Secretary: Marion Covens 01749 830239
Treasurer: Richard Kewish 01749 830665
Hall Bookings: Janet Rundle 01749 830800